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Grave Yard Children
Back in 2012 When I First Established S.P.R.A.D. Paranormal I would often go to very old Grave graveyards between the times of Midnight to 3 am. In this Video I was told of a very old GraveYard that was between the late 1700's till its demise in the Early 1800s due to a sickness that Ran through the valley. In the video, you can see my one hand is holding the camera and I was scratching my eyebrow with the other hand.. At 36 seconds you can see what looks like a child's hand come up and touch me on the shoulder.

When the just want to communicate
When they just want to talk, Sometimes even though it takes all they have to move something like this... some often succeed. Sometimes you will walk into a room and your hair will stand up. it's because you just walked through an Electrical Force. and the hair standing up on your arm or the back of your neck is a natural warning sign. It's nothing to be scared of, and communicating with the other side can be quite an experience.
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